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BRAT and the Kids of Warriors (Book)

BRAT and the Kids of Warriors (Book)


BRAT and the Kids of Warriors is the first in a series of novels about military brats. Jack McMasters and his sisters, perfect Queenie and out-of-control Rabbit, are military brats creating adventures wherever they go. But their dad's new assignment to Cooke Barracks, in West Germany, means leaving behind every friend they have. Again.

But the seven-day journey to Germany (Objective: Explore everywhere marked Off Limits on their U.S. Navy troop-transport ship) is better than any holiday cruise. Their dad's new assignment as a tank commander with the 4th Armored Division comes soon after Germany lost World War II and the Russians split Germany in wo with the Iron Curtain. As they travel to the base, they see unimaginable beauty, but also the rubble left from bombs.

As the story progresses, the kids gradually discover Germany is still very much a war zone, this time of the new Cold War. Jack soaks up war stories he overhears about WWII. Longing to make his father proud and become a son worthy of a warrior, he struggles to adapt to this totally different world. A world that is sometimes violent, at school, at home and beyond.

Jack gathers a small band of friends, and together they create their own adventures, on and off the Army base. Teaming up with two German kids, Jack's gang sets out on a quest to prove they are as tough as any Russian kid. It takes successfully applying the lessons they learned from the war stories they were raised on.

But things turn serious when they accidentally uncover a spy, one they can't prove exists. The discovery helps them realize why their dads are really in Germany: holding back, not the Nazis, but the Russian and East German communists, both of whom seem invincible. Their tanker dads are poised to fight more than 3,000 communist tanks lined up on the Iron Curtain, a threat to West Germany's freedom and all their lives.

Written by Michael Joseph Lyons, an Army brat, who moved nine times and attended eleven schools in six states and four countries - the USA, Japan, Germany, and France. Drawn from his own experiences in Germany during the Cold War, Michael went on to join the U.S. Army, becoming a lieutenant, then a captain. A serial entrepreneur, he has established multiple tech companies, and credits his military brat upbringing for giving him the "gift of grit." Today, Michael lives with his wife and 2 dogs in Chicago, frequently visited by their seven children and their families.

Individual Use: $20.00 (List Price: $22.95)

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BRATS: Our Journey HomeBRATS Raw: Kristofferson & Schwarkzopf, Brown Babies: The Mischlingskinder Story, and BRAT and the Kids of Warriors are protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. They may not be duplicated, reproduced, altered, broadcast (on television, cable, satellite, or closed circuit), loaned for a fee, sublicensed, shown in settings where admission is charged, transformed by analog or digital means or any other way without express written consent from the owners (Brats Without Borders owns the two BRATS films, Regina Griffin owns Brown Babies, and Michael Joseph Lyons owns BRAT and the Kids of Warriors.)

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