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Famous Brats

(Page in progress)

There are quite a few "famous" military brats and TCKs. Some of our parents served from our birth through high school graduation, others for just a few years. But being a brat or TCK doesn't start when a parent is deployed or assigned overseas and it doesn't end when they take your I.D. card away. In fact, some of the most difficult challenges a brat/TCK faces begin when they leave the military/TCK environment and try to fit into a more rooted, civilian world.

Brats are brats for life. It shapes the way we think and feel and behave. We are different than people who grew up in one place their entire childhood. Not better or worse - just different.

Kris Kristofferson, Julianne Moore, Robert Griffin III, Jessica Alba, author Suzanne Collins, Pam Grier, Michael Stipe, and Annie Leibovitz are just a few of the "famous" brats out there in the world. You make us proud!

Kris Kristofferson, Julianne Moore, Robert Griffin III, Jessica Alba, author Suzanne Collins, Pam Grier, Michael Stipe, and Annie Leibovitz are just a few of the "famous" brats out there in the world. You make us proud!

The first "Famous Brats List" was created by Air Force Brat Glenn Greenwood for AOSHS, the American Overseas Schools Historical Society. AOSHS recently gifted their list to BWB. While we incorporate the list onto our site, you can check out some other lists that have found their way into the world.

Famous Brat & TCK Writers

pat conroy

Author of the seminal novel about growing up military, The Great Santini.


Sarah Bird

Sarah Bird is an Air Force Brat, who attended school at Yokota High School in Japan. She wrote the novel The Yokota Officer’s Club, loosely based on her family’s experiences. Sarah has written ten novels, including her latest, Daughter of a Daughter of a Queen, a tribute to Cathy/Cathay Williams, the only woman to serve with the fabled Buffalo Soldiers, and the award-winning, Above the East China Sea. Sarah was a B&N’s Discover Great Writers selection, a Dobie-Paisano Fellowship honoree, and was recently voted into the Texas Literary Hall of Fame.


Michael Alexander is the author of The Underground Guide to Computer Security, published by Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. in 1996. He is also the author of The Digital Doberman, published by Ventana Press in 1998. Michael Alexander is a 1968 graduate of Mannheim American High School in Germany.

Famous Brat & TCK Musicians

Famous Brat & TCK Actors

Famous Brat & TCK athletes

Famous Brat & TCK politicians

Famous Brat & TCK journalists

Famous Brat & TCK astronauts

Famous Brat & TCK DOCTORS & scientists


Dr. Patch Adams, subject of the movie Patch Adams, starring the late Robin Williams, is an Army Brat and Overseas School Alumnus. According to his biography, he was educated in DoDDS schools in Japan and Germany. He was in Germany at Kaiserslauten High School, KHS Class of 1962, when his father died of a heart attack.

Famous Brat & TCK military members


Gen. John N. Abrams is the son of Gen. Creighton Abrams, after whom the Abrams tank was named. John attended school in Frankfurt, Germany, while his father was stationed in Frankfurt from 1959 until 1962.